Monday, October 7, 2013

Stick to the Routine

Eating well and cooking at home takes a lot of time. It also takes a lot of thought and planning. Preparing breakfast and lunch for all 4 of us at home takes me a full hour each morning. And don't even get me started on dinner!

Wouldn't it be so much easier to just jam a granola bar in their hands as they're running out the door, and give them a couple of dollars for lunch? Yes, that would be super easy.  But think of all the benefits they, and I, would be missing. First and foremost, starting the day with a quiet meal together is incomparable. And when it's a homecooked, tasty, nutritious meal, I really feel like I'm doing my mom-job the best I possibly can. It's tremendously satisfying.

I have to have my own eating habits well thought-out in order to focus so much attention on everyone else. I don't have time to sit down and think about what I'm going to eat every day, so I have to have a routine.

Yesterday, I strapped on my frilly apron (just kidding...I was wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt) and baked zucchini muffins and made vegetable soup. This will provide me with breakfasts, snacks, and possibly some desserts for the rest of the family all week, and the soup will be my lunches all week.

Every morning, I make myself a smoothie in my Magic Bullet with some kind of greens (this week it's baby kale), plain greek yogurt, half a banana, coconut water, and whatever other fruit I have lying around. The Magic Bullet has these little cups with handles and tops you can screw on, so I can grab it and take it to work with me. (For added fun, it freaks out my corkers that I'm drinking a thick green drink every morning--they don't know how delicious it is!)  For lunch, I have the vegetable soup, and an apple with peanut butter in the afternoon. I also make hummus frequently and eat that with carrot sticks while I'm at work.

I eat like this 80% of the time. And then the 20% of the time when we are going out, or the kids really want pizza on Friday night, I feel perfectly fine about cutting loose and having whatever I want. And I am able to tolerate those indulgences so much better because my system is working well and I am well hydrated.

Good luck coming up with your own routine, and Have a Healthy Monday!

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